Referral for epilepsy

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As a neurologist, paediatrician or specialist at a general or university hospital, you can refer a patient to one of our outpatient clinics for a diagnosis or treatment. GPs can also make a referral. It is important, however, that the patient has already undergone an examination or treatment at a general or university hospital.

Referral back to the original referrer

As soon as the examination or treatment has been performed, we refer your patient back to you. If something has been discovered, your patient is given a treatment recommendation. Even after this has happened, you can — as the treating clinician — always ask SEIN for advice or, if necessary, refer your patient back to us.

The letter of referral

You can refer your patient on via a letter of referral. That letter will contain the following information:

  • The patient’s personal details
  • The reason for the referral
  • Previous examinations or tests (e.g. the result of an MRI study or EEG), where applicable.

You can also use our template letter:

Template for letter of referral to (outpatient) clinic (dutch)

We prefer to receive the letter of referral by post. Send the referral to the outpatient clinic your patient needs to go to

As a GP, you can also make a referral via the ZorgDomein platform.


If the matter is urgent, you should telephone the outpatient clinic where your patient is receiving treatment. If you cannot reach that outpatient clinic, call the general number in Heemstede on +31 (0)23 - 558 80 00 (select ‘urgent’ from the list of options) or try the general number in Zwolle on +31 (0)38 - 845 71 49.

You will then get through to someone who can connect you directly with the on-duty neurologist.